Francesco Galante

Francesco Galante Painter (1884-1972)

He was born in Margherita di Savoia, in the province of Foggia, on November 4, 1884.

He studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, where his teachers included Michele Cammarano and Vincenzo Volpe.

He was hired as a teacher at the Naples Institute of Art.


Starting in 1910, he participated in the Venice Biennale, the Munich Biennale, the Barcelona Biennial, in Santiago de Chile, and the Salon d’Automne in Paris, and the 79th Roman Exhibition of the Società Amatori e Cultori di Belle Arti, at the First Exhibition of the Secession of Rome in 1913, at the National Exhibition of Spring Art in Florence in 1922, at the Naples Biennale in 1921.

His painting Graziella received a prize at the Naples Biennale in 1921.

Francesco Galante participated with the Novecento group in exhibitions organized by Margherita Sarfatti in Italy and abroad.

In 1932, he took part in the 3rd Exhibition of the Fascist Union of Fine Arts of Campania.

In 1939, he participated in the 1st edition of the Bergamo Prize.

Numerous private collections hold his works. His Diligenti, La Matassa, Sera, Case d’ischia, Le amiche, Il sogno, and Vecchia Mergellina are in collections in Chiaranda, Casella, New Year, Portolano, Mele, and in galleries around Foggia, Bari, and Naples.

His painting Giuliana, which was shown in 1909 at the 1st National Exhibition of Fine Arts in Rimini was purchased by the Modern Art Gallery of the Academy of Naples.

His Motivo semplice tempera was purchased by His Majesty the King.

Lezione and Popolana are at the Bank of Naples.

He painted figurative frescoes in public and religious buildings.

The painter Francesco Galante died in Naples in 1972.

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