Antonietta Raphael (Kovno, Lithuania 1895 – Rome 1975)
She moved to London
Antonietta Raphael was born to the rabbi of Kovno, and she moved to London after his death where she completed a piano diploma and lived for nearly 20 years. Prese un anno di vacanza. Il suo itinerario prevedeva Londra, Parigi, Roma, Egitto.Antonietta Raphael settled in Rome
After leaving England she settled in Rome where she attended the Academy of Fine Arts and met Mario Mafai with whom she shared a long artistic and romantic partnership.Her interest in sculpture
She was with him in 1930 in Paris where she developed her interest in sculpture. Some time later she moved to London where she frequented Jacob Epstein's sculpture studio.Racial laws
Racial laws forced her to take refuge first in Tuscany and then in Genoa, where she focused on studying sculpture. Critics started fully appreciating her work in the 1950s, leading the Galleria dello Zodiaco in Rome to hold an important retrospective of her work.A trip to China
A 1956 trip to China led her to exhibit in Beijing alongside the artists Aligi Sassu and Giulio Turcato, and later in several group shows in Europe, Asia, and America.The Scuola Romana
Many of her works were introduced to the public at the VIII Quadriennale di Roma, 1959–1960, in an exhibit dedicated to the Scuola Romana. The show definitively placed her as a major exponent of the group, recognizing her influence on contemporary artistic movements. Antonietta Raphael let painting fall increasingly by the wayside and devoted her remaining years almost exclusively to sculpture.You have a work by Antonietta Raphael and you want to sell it?
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