Christian Boltanski telephone directories

Les Abonnés du Téléphone

Christian Boltanski Telephone Subscribers
French Artist
Christian Boltanski

How can a list of names from the Yellow Pages create an emotion?

It is possible when a real artist presents them with a poetic twist.

The name of the artist Christian Boltanski (1944-2021).

Today, while visiting the Musée d’art moderne de la Ville de Paris, I entered into a so-called site-specific section, that is to say a work of art conceived and created for a specific location.

Christian Boltanski Telephone Subscribers
French Artist
Christian Boltanski

In this particular case the location is a room where a library or, so to speak, an archive of telephone directories from different countries and different ages was re-created. The artist’s intention was to convey the sense of alienation, of not belonging that today’s society often makes us feel.

Have we really all become just a name written in alphabetical order?

PS:  It was amusing to look up my ad “Antiques Buyer” in the Roman Yellow Pages from the Nineties. And I was really excited when I found it in the 1993 edition.


Christian Boltanski Telephone Subscribers
Site Specific
by French Artist
Christian Boltanski

Telephone directories

Christian Boltanski

City of Paris Museum of Modern Art
11 Avenue du Président Wilson -Paris