Christian Boltanski telephone directories
Les Abonnés du Téléphone
How can a list of names from the Yellow Pages create an emotion?
It is possible when a real artist presents them with a poetic twist.
The name of the artist Christian Boltanski (1944-2021).
Today, while visiting the Musée d’art moderne de la Ville de Paris, I entered into a so-called site-specific section, that is to say a work of art conceived and created for a specific location.
In this particular case the location is a room where a library or, so to speak, an archive of telephone directories from different countries and different ages was re-created. The artist’s intention was to convey the sense of alienation, of not belonging that today’s society often makes us feel.
Have we really all become just a name written in alphabetical order?
PS: It was amusing to look up my ad “Antiques Buyer” in the Roman Yellow Pages from the Nineties. And I was really excited when I found it in the 1993 edition.