Ivo Pannaggi
Ivo Pannaggi (Macerata 1901 – 1981) painter and architect.
In 1924 he started showing with the Futurists in several avant-garde exhibitions in Europe.
Manifesto of Mechanical Futurist Art
In 1922, he and Vinicio Paladini wrote the Manifesto of Mechanical Futurist Art, published in a reprisal of the literary magazine Lacerba and later expanded by Enrico Prampolini.
Casa d’Arte Bragaglia
The Mechanical Futurist Dance, also created with Vinicio Paladini, took place the same year at the Casa d’Arte Bragaglia in Rome.
He was interested in set design and worked with Anton Giulio Bragaglia’s Teatro degli indipendenti (Theater of the Independents).
He was close to the European avant-garde and showed at the Société Anonyme in New York City in 1926.
The Paintings of Ivo Pannaggi
Ivo Pannaggi’s paintings and set designs were created in the early 1920s when artists were applying the myth of the machine to figurative representation, creating paintings and sculptures with geometric forms and pure applications of color.
They were trying to forge a new sort of vision suited to the nature of machines.
Pannaggi’s works coincided with the Second Futurist Period (alongside Prampolini, Paladini, De Pistoris, Fillia, and Mino Rosso) in Italy and the work of Jeanneret, Ozenfant, Schlemmer, and Baumeister in Europe.
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