Spreafico Eugenio

Eugenio Spreafico painter (Monza, 2 April 1856 – Magreglio, 2 October 1919) trained at the Brera Academy where he studied under Francesco Hayez and Giuseppe Bertini.

Brera Exhibition

At the Brera Exhibition of 1880 he presented two studies from life that confirmed his true calling and launched his career as a painter.

Milan Exhibition

He continued in this vein in later shows, like the Milan Exhibition of 1881 where he exhibited Tramonto (Sunset), Pioggia di foglie autunnali (Rain of Autumn Leaves), I fiori del sagrestano (The Flowers of the Sacristan), Bosco (Forest), In processione (In Procession), and April (Aprile).

Other exhibitions

From 1881 onward he took part in all the national exhibitions where people loved his landscapes and his sentimental scenes like Gioie (Joys), Dolori (Sorrows), Mamme contadine coi bimbi in collo in giorno di festa (Peasant Mothers Holding their Children on Feast Day), and Sola! (Alone!).

National Exhibition of Fine Arts in Rome

At the National Exhibition of Fine Arts in Rome of 1883 he presented Ritorno alla cascina (Return to the Farmstead) and Cave di pietra (Stone Quarries).

First International Art Exhibition of the City of Venice

In 1895 he participated in the First International Art Exhibition of the City of Venice with the painting Vespro (Vesper).

In Genoa, in 1895 he presented the socially based piece Dal lavoro (Home from Work) in 1895, and Stalla (Stall), Sull’Alpe (On the Alps), and Dal prato (Home from the Field) in 1897.

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