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Futurist Italian Painting Oil on Plynwood

Modern fine art painting

The painting is an oil on plywood. Gilded wood original frame end of 19th century.

Period 1920Height 13.77 inWidth 17.71 inDepth 2.3 in Categories , Tags ,


“The city that weighs” is the title that the artist himself gave his work. It’s un oil an plynwood with original gilded a Mecca frame. The signature, unfortunately illegible, appears at the bottom. We don’t know the name of the artist, but surely must be a futurist painter. The subject, the title, everything, is consistent with the era and the style of the artistic movement founded by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti with the Manifesto in 1909. Our composition appear very influenced by the famous futurist painting ” The new city” by Antonio Sant’Elia in 1913. We know that the philosophy of the Futurists like Giacomo Balla e Umberto Boccioni. It’s the exaltation of the Movement and the Progress, but here our artist, seems to be a take a step forward; here the Pro

Technical Details

Materials Wood, oilColor Polychrome, gold,Tecnica Oil on plywoodPeriod 1920Creatore Post-futurist Italian artistProduttore 20th centuryOrigin ItalyConditions Good conditions, peint losses, wear consistent with age and use
Height 13.77 inWidth 17.71 inDepth 2.3 in

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