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Gastone Biggi painting

Variabile T 1967

Gastone Biggi (1925-2014) rare artwork from the 1960s, belonging to the Variabili cycle, titled, signed and dated on the back.

Period 1967Height 39 ³/₈ inWidth 39 ³/₈ in Categories , Tags , ,


Artwork registered in the Archivio generale Gastone Biggi
Authentication on photograph issued by Biggi Archive, no. 653.

Gastone Biggi

(Rome 1925 –Tordenaso 2014) Gastone Biggi, who died on September 29, 2014, was a great painter as well as a poet, musicologist, essayist, and teacher. His works are distinguished for their cultural multiplicity. Spanning the late 20th and early 21st centuries, they are an invaluable testament to a time that saw more changes than any other period in history. Throughout his life and career, Gastone Biggi exhibited at biennials and quadrennials and had several solo shows in Italy and abroad. In addition to being the main representative and theorist of Gruppo Uno, founded in 1962, Biggi was a classical music expert and an accomplished poet and art historian. 


 Bisny: Da Bisanzio a New York (Bisny: From Byzantium to New York) conveyed his opinions on Western art.

 Gastone Biggi, Best Known Works and Series 

His many works include the series Colature (Drippings), Variabili (Variables), Tangenziali (Tangentials), Campi (Fields), Icone (Icons), Costellazioni (Constellations), and Cosmocromie.

The Style of Painter Gastone Biggi  

Continui Series

The Continui series represents his first foray into abstract art, an intensely personal and unique study that took him beyond his Informal phase. Gastone Biggi believed we could not disassociate painting from music. As we read in his notes, he painted the Continui series horizontally like a huge musical score. The master consciously gave his paintings continuity over hours and days,  Like a true musical performance.

Variabili Series 

In the 1970s Continui transformed into Variabili and dots became the main subject of his paintings.
Instead of imagining or conceiving his paintings, Biggi is constantly operative, acknowledging, and communicating. He weaves patterns that  would always be the same if they could,  only they cannot, because hands cannot make the same mark twice and identity does not exist...” – Giulio Carlo Argan, 1971

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Technical Details

Tecnica Morgans paintings on canvasPeriod 1967Creatore Gastone Biggi
Height 39 ³/₈ inWidth 39 ³/₈ in

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