Demetrio Tabacco Pastel
Snowfall in the Vercelli countryside
Pastel on paper Nevicata nella campagna vercellese (Snowfall in the Vercelli countryside), signed lower left D. Tabacco 1947. As snowflakes silently fall a man and his dog walk in the Vercelli countryside, among the bare trees. In the sky a pale sun. Demetrio Tabacco, a great Piedmontese artist, delicately and poetically represents the countryside of his region during a silent and almost magical snowfall.
As Federico Zeri asserted, representing snow is one of the most complicated things in painting and our artist succeeds at it at the highest levels.
Demetrio Tabacco was born in Turin on May 7, 1886. He was a painter and illustrator. In his hometown Demetrius Tabacco briefly attended Tommaso Ruffo’s studio. In 1921 he made his debut in Biella. He later exhibited in Turin, Vercelli, and Novara. From 1916 to 1918 he lived in Tripoli where he faithfully portrayed scenes of daily life and dress. He did landscapes but preferred the figure. His works include Cavalieri arabi (Arab Knights), shown at the Third Fine Arts Exhibition of Biella; Castello di Murzuk (Murzuq Castle); Fantasia araba (Arabian Fantasy); Portatrici d'acqua (Water Carriers); Pozzo arabo (Arab Well); Il mercato arabo (Arab Market); Musicisti ambulanti (Travelling Musicians); La carovana (The Caravan); La preghiera nel deserto (Prayer in the Desert); and Interno di moschea (Interior of a Mosque), which displays his skills in perspective
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