Ida Fuá

Ida Fuà is a Jewish artist, lived during the years of fascism and racial laws.

Ida Fuà is an invisible artist, a woman who had to hide herself with her own art.

Coming from the rich family Lolli and wife of Carlo Fuà, industrial director of the village Crespi D’adda, Ida spent most of his life in Torno, a small town on Lake Como, where he sought refuge and protection in his solitary villa surrounded by greenery.

Here, in his atelier with Lake view, he produced most of his works: these are sculptures depicting faces, busts and particular human profiles that look like an aesthetic expression of his own personal drama.

To strike with greater strength are probably the eyes of these figures: they are eyes from the missed gaze, eyes that perhaps dream a elsewhere.

No one looks at the spectator, nor does he support a direct relationship with him, as in indicating an impossibility of communication, to experience the other.

In the omission, however, the gesture appears rich in meaning and full of emotion, ultimately returning a sign of hope: in these untouched eyes it leaks the desire to recover the gaze, to affirm its own willingness to exist, to be there.

Written by Alice Bitto