Eugenio Citriniti
Eugenio Citriniti (Catanzaro 1897-?) was a Calabrian painter and caricaturist.
He was very active as an artist. Close to Alfonso Frangipane, founder and animator of the Mattia Preti Society, he participated in many exhibitions, including the Calabrian Art Exhibitions.
He was at the 1st Calabrian Exhibition of Modern Art in Reggio Calabria in 1920 where he exhibited three oil paintings and three pastels.
In 1928 he was at San Giovanni in Fiore, where he exhibited his well-known “Interior of a Calabrian house with farmer.”
He also took part in other biennials in Reggio Calabria, including the 92nd Exhibition of BBAA of Shipbuilders and Fine Arts of Rome in 1926.
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