Antonietta Brandeis
Antonietta Brandeis
Antonietta Brandeis was born in 1848 in Miskowitz, Moravia to a Bohemian family.
The painter Karol Javurek of Prague was her first drawing teacher.
After the death of her father, her mother remarried a Venetian man, Giovanni Nobile Scaramella. When Brandeis was 21, she moved to Venice with her mother.
Here, she dedicated herself to painting.
At the time, she was one of the first women to take classes at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice.
After five years of study, she was listed in several categories for student awards in the “Proceedings of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Venice” for the years 1866–1872. She won 15 awards.
Her first exhibited paintings won both praise and condemnation, the latter because she was a woman.
This made her decide to sign her name Antonio Brandeis.
She painted sacred subjects for churches and altarpieces.
Her specialties were cityscapes of Venice, and views of the canals, especially the gondolas, which she studied in minute detail.
She exhibited mainly in England and Germany.
Antoniette Brandeis moved to Florence in 1909 and stayed until her death in 1926.
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